I hold my pen now
As i can't hold your hand yet
To tell myself what i can't tell you yet
I can count on my fingers
The words we've exchanged
The non-significant times to the world but my own
Where my barriers shook, second guessing my persona
Wanting to be someone else, maybe one who can catch your eye.
Wondering how high are the stakes to win you over or lose myself over you.
You disrupted my world the very moment my eyes landed on you
You questioned my very ways of living by just existing
You've become such a big part of my thoughts,
I sometimes wonder, if i dwell in yours as well?
Every inch of who you are fascinates me
From the move of your hands to the shuffle of your feet
You scare me as much as you fascinate me
Conflicted to run away or get to you
Torn between the urge to know you or behold you from afar
I have lived so many lives, been so many people
I wonder who do i offer to you?
And would you take me if I did?
So, many questions for answers yet to come
To live in the present for a future yet to be
My heart soars at a glimpse of you
To feel so many things for a life not yet intertwined with mine
to reach out for an mirage that's fading
for a question that burns my lips
can we be? can we truly be ever be R?
P.S: The picture is of one my favorite movies called "Warm bodies" the zombie character is called R. but the poem is dedicated to another person i do call R.