Beautiful things end
I have always believed
That all things last
That they go on against all odds
They flourish and bloom
But I grew up to find out they end as well
I longed for a beginning, afraid of it’s end
And so. I damned it all to hell
What’s the point of starting to have it all end?
That universal punishment that nothing lasts forever
Had myself holding back, for what leaves goes with a piece of you.
That vacant space reminds you of what can’t be taken back
But I reached a place to see
What truly takes that place
My eyes to finally see, it was never empty
I was just broken, too broken to see I was a new person
Acknowledging my gain meant to accept what was forever gone
But then new things grew unnoticed and unwanted
That treasure called growth got buried
And now I find myself searching
Looking for what I should have called mine
Digging all over the place and pleading within that isn’t lost
That it waited for me to turn around
To realize that what I wanted has been with me all along
Poem By UBB
Model: Keza Fiona