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Writer's picture: uhirwebenignebetteuhirwebenignebette

You see this elephant

It’s all you see, right

It fills your room

Its trumpet wrapped around your neck

That You can’t breathe

Its hooves make the noise of your own demise

That big elephant that got bigger with each lie

So big, it reminds you of how small you are everyday

That elephant that doesn’t want you dead

But wants you alive to suffer more

Can I tell you that you shall laugh with it someday?

Over a cup coffee, you shall look back to that old enemy

That became a friend

You shall know that elephant my dear friend, wanted you to live

More than the living enemy

You shall raise your glasses together, for that elephant that turned mouse.


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Writer's picture: uhirwebenignebetteuhirwebenignebette

Beautiful things end

I have always believed

That all things last

That they go on against all odds

They flourish and bloom

But I grew up to find out they end as well

I longed for a beginning, afraid of it’s end

And so. I damned it all to hell

What’s the point of starting to have it all end?

That universal punishment that nothing lasts forever

Had myself holding back, for what leaves goes with a piece of you.

That vacant space reminds you of what can’t be taken back

But I reached a place to see

What truly takes that place

My eyes to finally see, it was never empty

I was just broken, too broken to see I was a new person

Acknowledging my gain meant to accept what was forever gone

But then new things grew unnoticed and unwanted

That treasure called growth got buried

And now I find myself searching

Looking for what I should have called mine

Digging all over the place and pleading within that isn’t lost

That it waited for me to turn around

To realize that what I wanted has been with me all along

Poem By UBB

Model: Keza Fiona

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Writer's picture: uhirwebenignebetteuhirwebenignebette

Is there such a thing as the right moment?

Is there such a thing as the wrong moment?

Do we wait because they are two sides of the same coin?

The coin of circumstance, the currency of life

I said how I felt and waited

Lost no hope to a future not yet unfolded

But doubt finds me in the present

And reminds me that life is but certain

Is hope present when we believe in the right moment?

Well, I don’t believe in that

There are just moments

Not right nor wrong

Just moments to each thing

Whether now or tomorrow, they are moments

Knit together to give us a life

That one-piece births the other

So how can we call any of it wrong!

They come to you unbidden, and yet compelled to be

Compiled together to give you an identity

For the universe holds no mercy, it sweeps away those that are comfortable in confusion

Don’t you all see, these moments save us

They save us from repetition and cycles

They give us an end so that we may crave a beginning

they teach us all the great lesson that none of us are a waste.

P.S: The picture was taken by my annoying friend Joshua Ishimwe.

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